Every month, I would like to give

Did you know that by covering the processing fee, Food Allergy Canada will be able to help more people?

Gift information

Click on the image you would like for your ecard or choose to upload your own image.

Select a card

Upload my own image


Sender information

Recipient information

A notification of your gift will be sent by email. Please provide the name and email address of the recipient.

Billing information

What is your connection to food allergy?

What areas of our work do you care about the most? Please select all that apply.

Payment information


Tax receipts will be issued for donations over $20. For monthly donors, receipts are processed on an annual basis and are emailed to you by the end of February each calendar year.

Contact us

Food Allergy Canada
505 Consumers Road, Suite 507
Toronto, ON M2J 4V8

CRA Charity Registration Number: 88720 8676 RR0001

Food Allergy Canada is an accredited charity. We are committed to keeping administrative costs low and educational and support programming along with key stakeholder engagement high, enabling us to advocate effectively.

© 2023 Food Allergy Canada