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$15,000 Goal
46% of Goal
$6,862 Raised



The City of Hamilton Employees' United Way Committee, together with United Way Halton & Hamilton invite you to attend their 16th Annual Truck Pull on Tuesday, October 8, 2019. Help us raise $15,000 for United Way!



Date: Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Location: Back of City Hall - City Lab Entrance - Jackson St. West

Timing: Noon - 2 p.m. 


How It Works

        Registered participants will work together as a team to pull a Hamilton Fire Truck 50 feet down Main Street.

•        100% of dollars raised will support United Way Halton & Hamilton 

        Features a free lunch for all participants 

•        Rain or Shine event

•       Prizes for the fastest time, most funds raised, most team spirit and loudest crowd support.


Team Registration

        12 participants are required for each team 

        Minimum pledge per team is $300 

•        If your team raises more than $1,200, you will get a BONUS, Janette Smith, City Manager to help pull

        Up to 20 teams can participate



       All registered team members will receive a complimentary lunch

        If you are not registered to pull, you may purchase lunch 

       Encourage friends, family and colleagues to donate

For more information, click here!


                       Donate, Register a Team, Sponsor a Team Member.

Top Fundraisers

Nancy Mooney (Harder)$620.00
Jeff Ellis$300.00
Gord Muise$250.00
Allan Mulholland $180.00

Top Teams