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S'il vous plaît supportez la cause
Carol Skinner
Montant collecté
0,00 $
Objectif de collecte 1 000,00 $

Mon Message

I am participating in the #ALSIcebucketchallengeCA to support Canadians living with ALS and fund research to #makeALStreatablenotterminal.

ALS is a devastating disease with no treatment or cure. By donating, you will help ALS Canada provide support services, mobility equipment and fund research to change the course of this terminal disease. 

Click on the Donate Now button to make your secure online donation.  You’ll be emailed your tax receipt immediately. 

Please spread the word by pasting this statement into your Facebook and Twitter feeds:

 I support CDNS living with ALS #makeALStreatablenotterminal www.alsicebucketchallenge.ca @ALSCanada

You can learn more about ALS Canada and ALS by visiting als.ca

Thank you so much for sponsoring me!

Date de l'événement
2016-08-01 09:00
Nom du lieu
First Location

Mon Équipe

%TeamName% est affilié à %CorporateTeamName%

Mes Supporters (0)