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Gregory Mills
520,00 $

Mon message personnel

Hello friends and supporters,

No doubt by now you've grown weary of me talking or tweeting incessantly about how much I've come to love running and wished there was some way you could just pay money to get me to shut up about it. Well here is your chance!

Earlier this year I resolved to start tackling one of my bucket list items: to complete at least one each of a 5km, a 10km, half, and full-marathon. It was an easy decision to make in January with all the time in the world to prepare, but now as the big day itself looms over me I've decided to add some extra motivation, and support a very worthy cause at the same time. 

Preparing for this half-marathon has gotten me through some tough times, helped me focus my energies and get other aspects of my life in order. I think it can do even more. 

I've decided to support Solider On - a program which supports current and veteran members of the Canadian Forces dealing with physical injuries or mental health issues - and I hope you'll consider helping me turn my postiive experience into something useful to others.

Date de l'événement :
2016-09-18 08:00
Lieu :
Sans limites

Mon équipe

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Les personnes qui m’appuient (16)

Norma and Monty Mills a fait un don de 25,00 $
13 septembre 2016 10:58
Donateur Appuyons nos troupes a fait un don de un montant non divulgué
13 septembre 2016 10:36
Trish a laissé un message
10 septembre 2016 15:50
Good luck! Run like the wind! Run, Greg. Run! Those shoes were made for running! Run as if someone called you a jogger! (Google helped me with that one).
Donateur Appuyons nos troupes a fait un don de un montant non divulgué
10 septembre 2016 15:48
Jason a laissé un message
10 septembre 2016 13:34
Fly, you fool!
Jason MacFarlane a fait un don de 40,00 $
10 septembre 2016 13:33
Allison Bennett a fait un don de 50,00 $
09 septembre 2016 15:03
Allison Bennett a laissé un message
09 septembre 2016 14:57
Congratulations on reaching a difficult goal! It displays great strength, mentally and physically!
Bryan Bondy a fait un don de 60,00 $
09 septembre 2016 12:31
Rahil a laissé un message
09 septembre 2016 10:48
Have a good run for a great cause!
Donateur Appuyons nos troupes a fait un don de un montant non divulgué
09 septembre 2016 10:48
Shane a fait un don de 25,00 $
25 août 2016 18:15
Luc Labelle a fait un don de 50,00 $
05 août 2016 09:58
Catherine Labrecque a fait un don de 25,00 $
04 août 2016 13:36
Jeff McCready a fait un don de 25,00 $
04 août 2016 13:26
Gregory Mills a fait un don de 50,00 $
04 août 2016 12:27
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