S'il vous plaît supportez la cause
Terri Collicott
Montant collecté
880,00 $
Objectif de collecte 500,00 $

Mon Message

This is our 9th year of running this amazing event....it is amazing because of all of our friends and family who come each year to participate and support our cause.  For those that can't make it, their donations say it all.  We hope to make this our best year yet. 

Both of my girls are doing well, but there is still no real control for this disease and we hope and pray that Lindsay and Courtney can stay healthy until one comes along.  We feel like it is right around the corner and your support gets us that little bit closer. 

Please come out and join us on April 14th and if you can't make it, please donate.  Every penny helps.  My family and I thank you so much!!

Date de l'événement
2019-01-14 00:00
Nom du lieu
OutrunCF Durham

Mon Équipe

Terri fait partie de Terri's Girls
Voir la page de l`équipe
%TeamName% est affilié à %CorporateTeamName%

Mes Supporters (6)

Dave Hutchison a fait don de 175,00 $
07 mai 2019 10:52
Claudia a fait don de 30,00 $
14 avril 2019 08:38
Mary Corrigan a fait don de 100,00 $
14 avril 2019 08:10
Paul and Cindy Kelly a fait don de 500,00 $
04 avril 2019 11:20
Angela Smith a fait don de 25,00 $
31 mars 2019 20:24
Terri Collicott a fait don de 50,00 $
01 mars 2019 16:15

Cystic Fibrosis Canada
