S'il vous plaît supportez la cause
Peggy Masters
Montant collecté
925,00 $
Objectif de collecte 500,00 $

Mon Message

As most of my friends and family know, my daughter-in-law Courtney and her sister Lindsay both have cystic fibrosis, so this is a cause very close to my heart.  Courtney and Lindsay, along with their parents Bob and Terri, created this event in 2010 with the hopes of raising awareness as well as much-needed funds for research to help all who suffer with this disease.

I am once again taking part in this year's event and I hope you will help me reach my goal!

What difference can one donation make in the fight against cystic fibrosis? The answer is – an important difference! Every dollar you donate to Cystic Fibrosis Canada moves us one step closer to a cure or control for cystic fibrosis (CF).  Your support of my event goes to work immediately, supporting the most promising CF research projects in the country, serving Canadians with cystic fibrosis, their families and health professionals who help them.

I need your help and I hope you’ll please give generously to create a future of hope for young Canadians with cystic fibrosis and their families. Your gift does make a difference!

Date de l'événement
2019-01-14 00:00
Nom du lieu
OutrunCF Durham

Mon Équipe

%TeamName% est affilié à %CorporateTeamName%

Mes Supporters (7)

Cheryl & Bill Staneland a fait don de 50,00 $
15 avril 2019 16:33
Andre & Stephanie a fait don de 100,00 $
14 avril 2019 10:14
Ted Masters a fait don de 500,00 $
11 avril 2019 19:18
Lori Voyame a fait don de 25,00 $
22 mars 2019 09:04
Pete and Lori Money a fait don de 25,00 $
20 mars 2019 11:38
Shirley & Rick a fait don de 25,00 $
13 mars 2019 09:31
Peggy Masters a fait don de 200,00 $
07 mars 2019 14:38

Cystic Fibrosis Canada
