My Message
Dear friends I don't normally do this except once a year but while sadly I can't make the run I want to ask th consider giving to this amazing agency that has so personally impacted me and more importantly so many families and isolated older adults with physician or cognitive challenges. To many caregivers or families have no supports and no relief and no place to put there loved ones where they can enjoy fun programs that are based on individual interest and engage there loved ones in meaningful ways. I have personally though seen how the day program at Dixon hall and the workers engaged these isolated older adults. These workers were my mentors for many years before i started myself working in this field and inspired my approach and shaped me and it was Dixon hall staff who were kind enough to always be a reference and whose board named me a champion which was a great honour. If it were not for Dixon hall I would not have developed to the worker I am and we would have way more isolated older adults with families desperately looking for respite.