Dear Friends,
I am delighted to once again participate in the Ramah Israel Bike Ride and Hike in support of our Tikvah Programs. I essentially came to Ramah and Tikvah in 1984 and never left! Tikvah changed my life professionally and personally. I spent more than 20 years at Ramah New England as a madrich, rosh edah and most recently as Tikvah Director. I currently direct the Tikvah Program at Ramah Nor Cal and serve as the director of our National Ramah Tikvah Network. Our Tikvah Network serves to connect staff, participants and families year round. In this capacity I get to see our Tikvah Programs in action over the summer and meet with our Tikvah Directors year round. We share resources and best practices with each other and with the world of Jewish camping.
This is my fourth Israel Bike ride in support of Tikvah. It is a chance to ride and hike with others who love Tikvah, Ramah and Israel as much as I do. And we are riding and hiking for such an important cause! To raise money in support of Tikvah! As in past years, each camp will receive a check after the ride, to provide neede funds for their Tikvah Programs!
Thanks for your support,