This April, Ruthie I are participating in the Ramah Israel Hiking Trip to raise money for kids with disabilities to attend Tikvah special needs programs at summer camps in the US and Canada. We hope you will sponsor us. Funds raised by the trip will support scholarship assistance for families with financial need, as well as the critical training of the staff members who support, nurture, and supervise campers with disabilities.
We've experienced first hand the magic that Camp Ramah creates each summer as campers play, dance, sing, create and CLIMB. Ramah is a place to make lifelong friendships, to try new things, and to celebrate the joy of being Jewish. By participating in the hike, we are raising money so that kids with special needs can join in this experience.
I hope you'll support us in our efforts by donating to my fundraising page - every dollar helps (U.S. and Canadian)! Thank you in advance!