Dear Friends,
On April 2nd, we will be participating in the Ramah Israel Bike Ride and Hiking Trip (5 days of hiking!). We will be joining our father, Harold (5 days of biking!) to provide the opportunity for mentally challenged Jewish children to attend one of our Ramah Camps. The camping experience is not only life-changing for the participant but is an incredibly rewarding experience for all campers who make a point of integrating them into everyday programming. During the summer program, the parents of these amazing campers also receive a little respite from their caregiving duties.
We hope you can help us in our quest to raise $3000. Our father, Harold, will match all combined donations to the Aaron/Wolfe/Mandel Team to a maximum of $10,000. All donations receive a tax receipt for the full amount. Donating through this platform is fast, easy and totally secure.
On behalf of the children who benefit from this important program, we thank you for your generosity.