Inspired by my son Hunter, who has had multiple anaphylactic reactions since he was 7 months old, I wanted to make a difference to help raise awareness on how common food allergies are while encouraging others to feel comfortable and confident speaking about theirs.
Last year, I created custom shirts that display a persons' unique food allergies, and a portion of my sale was donated to Food Allergy Canada. (To get your own personalised shirt follow me on Instagram and Facebook to order your shirts now. Delivery available.)
For 2022, I wanted to concentrate more on safety and sell Colibri Canada snack bags that tells you what not to put in your snack bag (i.e a person's allergens) along with the Food Allergy Canada logo.
The goal is to work alongside Food Allergy Canada to help support, educate and advocate for people living with food allergies. Thank you in advance for supporting and hopefully making a difference in making Canadians who live with food allergies live easier and with more confidence.