Jodi Roth
Amount Raised
Fundraising Goal $300.00

Donate $2,000 or more and get your own personalized message to be displayed along the route.

My message

Hi everyone! This is going to be my first ever 5k, and I would love your support in raising $100 to participate. I recently began going running and am at the beginning of a fitness/healthy lifestyle journey. The money that you donate to me will go to Sunnybrook's Family Navigation Project, which "is a non-profit program designed to provide expert navigation of the mental health and addictions service system for youth aged 13-26 with serious mental health and/or addictions problems" (from the Sunnybrook website). I strongly believe that we need to promote mental health services and awareness and that it is especially important that young people are able to get help easily.

A personal story about why I feel so strongly about this cause: Personally, I have been fat for the majority of my teenage years and into my 20's, and this has been a contributing factor in seriously negative self-image and struggling to feel confident doing everyday things. I have also recently been struggling with depression, which may possibly be seasonal affective disorder but has not been clinically diagnosed yet as I am trying out some things over the summer and reassessing with my doctor as I go. This has impacted my ability to stay on top of everyday goals and tasks and impacted every area of my life. This is also the first time I have actually written that I have been struggling with this in a public space, so...surprise! Aside from my own personal struggles, I know that many of my friends and family have had their own struggles, and I know how difficult it has been for them to find the help that they need. Because of all of this, and because of my recent fitness goal creation (shoutout to my sister for being the best motivational support) I want to raise at least $200 and I hope you'll consider donating to help me out.

Thanks for reading all of this!!


Location Name
Mel Lastman Square

My Team

Jodi is part of The J-Walkers
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My Supporters (8)

Brie left a message
Sep 17, 2014 2:56 PM
Good luck Jodi! And thank you for sharing your story.
Brie donated an undisclosed amount
Sep 17, 2014 2:55 PM
Anonymous donated $20.00
Aug 16, 2014 12:00 AM
Anonymous donated $5.00
Aug 10, 2014 12:00 AM
Anonymous donated $40.00
Aug 5, 2014 11:59 PM
Anonymous donated $100.00
Aug 5, 2014 4:16 PM
Anonymous donated $20.00
Aug 5, 2014 12:00 AM
Jodi Roth donated $10.00
Aug 4, 2014 12:11 PM