Jim Pankratz
Amount Raised
Goal $3,000.00

My Message

Once again, this year, I am fundraising for COMPASS Refugee Centre in the Ride for Refuge on October 5. I have been on the Board of Directors for six years.  During that time my awareness of the challenges that refugee claimants face before and after they arrive in Canada has increased greatly. So has my commitment!

The people whom we serve have experienced despair, fear, and danger. They arrive in Canada seeking hope, safety, and freedom.  They are not fleeing the famines, natural disasters, civil wars, or unemployment that get the attention of our global news. These refugee claimants have experienced very personal threats, losses, and violence. We currently have 1,800 clients from 80 different countries in our care.

Our COMPASS vision is that "every person coming to Canada seeking refuge has unhindered access to justice and the opportunity to thrive in welcoming communities". Our part is to assist them prepare the documentation and the story that they will share with the officials who will decide if they can stay, to guide them to the resources available to them, and to link them into our community while they wait for confirmation that they can stay. We help unite separated families. We assure them that they are welcome and that we and our supporters care.

Look at our website to see what is involved and hear the stories of some of our clients.

If you would like to support a specific part of our work, look at options at

This year I am going to Ride/cycle for Refuge with many others on October 5. And, as the Chair of the Board, I’m also going to be welcoming and thanking the many volunteers  who make a joyful event like this possible.

I welcome your generous support, and I will be glad to thank you!


Event Date
Oct 5, 2024 9:00 AM
Location Name
Kitchener Grand River - COMPASS Refugee Centre

My Team

Jim is a member of COMPASS Board
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My Supporters

Anita Tiessen donated $100.00
Sep 16, 2024 11:04 AM