Emilia Thrift
Amount Raised
Goal $500.00

My Message

I'm fundraising in the Ride for Refuge on October 5 in solidarity with people seeking hope, safety, and freedom. And although it only takes a few hours of my time, I know it will make a difference. By participating in the RIDE, I'm standing in solidarity with people who have little or no voice and who often get left behind or ignored. And by fundraising, I'm supporting a charity who is bringing hope and refuge to those same people. Thanks for supporting me! #ride24

Event Date
Oct 5, 2024 9:00 AM
Location Name
Vancouver Grandview - Kinbrace

My Team

Emilia is a member of World of Welcome!
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My Supporters

Jeanette and Norm left a message
Oct 4, 2024 8:47 PM
Mat the road rise to meet you, may the wind be always at your back, may the sun shine warm upon your face…??
Norm and Jeanette Amundson donated an undisclosed amount
Oct 4, 2024 8:45 PM
Andrew left a message
Oct 4, 2024 3:14 PM
Go Team Kinbrace!
Andrew Thrift donated $100.00
Oct 4, 2024 3:14 PM
Julie Lawrence donated $50.00
Sep 24, 2024 3:18 PM
Peter Thrift donated $75.00
Sep 21, 2024 4:23 PM
Teak left a message
Sep 19, 2024 2:22 PM
Emilia - Have a great time on the RFR day. Thanks for your support of Kinbrace. (I am a bit sad we are not Swimming for Refuge this year; let's bring that one back!)
TIM KLAUKE donated $50.00
Sep 19, 2024 2:19 PM