Hi there friends and family,
Another year has come and gone—and I will be walking for the Coldest Night of the Year! As such, I will give you both an annual report of where I’m at in my work with the homeless, and an opportunity to contribute toward supporting “people and families experiencing hurt, hunger, and homelessness in my community”.
From last February, until quite recently (November 18th, 2024) I saw 2 years of working as an Outreach Worker—offering supportive services and case management to about 35 homeless clients. Half of the 70ish case load, shared with my new co-worker Greg. This number does not represent the total number of homeless people in St. Stephen—which exceeds 100 and is greater than Saint John, Fredericton and Moncton per capita (the largest city centers in NB).
Since last year, the ED of Neighbourhood Works was diligently trying to help come up with a winter shelter solution for our unhoused. In November, the old masonic hall came up for sale. Within weeks, we purchased it with government support, and a job post for Director of Adult Services was put out. I applied and got it!
My job is still about offering / demanding respect and dignity for marginalized individuals. But now, I can do that at a managerial level—meaning I have hired 16 wonderful humans to support our guests at a new Out of the Cold Center. By spring, I will have a major hand in transforming this facility into a long term housing-focused multi-service Homeless Hub.
I am so proud of my work in this field—and still I get discouraged with the fight some days. There are so many systemic failings and trauma isn’t just a buzz word—human nature can be ugly and cruel and messy. Homelessness is largely associated with mental health and substance use disorder. And we are seeing a rapidly rising drug crisis and overdose epidemic—with the increased presence of synthetic opioids mixed into the illicit drug supply. But we keep fighting the good fight.
I am grateful for my own capacity to love. I am grateful to everyone who chooses to walk alongside and support this type of work. I am grateful to all the small moments of beauty that I see everyday—even and especially among a community of people that have very little left. Big love & hugs to all xo
Donate—if you feel drawn to do so :) Thank you!