It's cold out there. And this February, Tori and I are going to do something about it. Together with thousands of Canadians across the country, we'll be walking 5km and fundraising to support people and families experiencing hurt, hunger, and homelessness in our community.
This is going to a great cause. One of those causes is the School Lunch Program. This is a program that I personally volunteer for as often as I can through Badger Manufacturing social committee. We are fortunate to have a social committee that gives us the opportunity to volunteer making lunches for children that don't get lunches at school. The Mustard seed helps the homeless in our community as well as providing lunches to all the local schools for under privalidged kids. It was a real eye opener to realize how many children wouldn't eat a lunch if it wasn't for this program..
That stats from last year are staggering and this can only be provided by donations.
Student lunches made in the 2023-2024 school year: 95 602
Some of the items we used from last school year (2023-2024):
- Jam 86 pails $ 6530
- Turkey - 168cs = $ 13 440
- Ham 144 cs $ 16 221
- Apples 614 cases $ 38 820
- Cheese: 319 cases = $15 121
- Buns - $20 316
- Carrots (donated) 50 lb sack per day= 8900 lbs
Please, if you can donate do so by clicking the button above. If you can't donate, please share this. Our team goal for Tori and I is $300.
Please, give generously by clicking the "Donate Now" button above. Thanks!