Hello friends and family,
On Saturday, February 22, some friends and I will be walking 5km for the Coldest Night of the Year to fundraise for the Island Crisis Care Society (ICCS), a non-profit in Nanaimo providing housing and supports for people experiencing homelessness.
I live and work in downtown Nanaimo, and I frequently see people living on the street in unimaginable conditions. I’ve passed by people sleeping in soaked, smelly corners on my way home to a warm, safe bed. I’m grateful for the opportunity to support an organization working to change this.
To entice you to contribute to our campaign, if you donate $25 before Feb 20, I will write a silly custom limerick about you!
For example:
While dutifully washing her dishes
Allie so dreadfully wishes
To abandon her chore,
And run to the shore
And jump in the sea with the fishes.