I wanted to thank you again for your kind donation. I thought you would like to hear how our community came together walking on February 22nd on The Coldest Night of the Year. The event was extremely successful, as Gravenhurst had 225 walkers and raised $135,282 for Gravenhurst Against Poverty.
As well Boston Pizza invited the walkers back for not only their free pizza but all the other pizza stations in town were invited to share their free pizzas as well.
Also, the Chairperson of Gravenhurst Against Poverty challenged any one who donated $100 in her name could enter a draw to shave her head. She raised $2400 and had her head completely shaved at Boston Pizza. Quite a challenge but as she says not quite as challenging as ever having to ask for food or support when desperately needed.
We are fortunate to have so many dedicated volunteers in our community to help support those in need. We could not do all we do without your support.
Thank you again,