Hi, Even though I am not able to walk during the coldest night of the year, I will be helping out. So I've decided to do some fundraising on my own. I am a firm believer in helping those that need a hand up. Volunteering at Metro Community Church has opened my eyes to a very needy part of our society. No matter how someone homeless has gotten to where they are, is not for me to judge. All i know is that I need to do something about it. The date is set for Saturday, February 22.
Can you imagine spending one night outside, I can't, but i have seen many folks with frostbite this past week. They push through the cold absolutely exhausted, just to survive. The city of Kelowna along with various other organizations are working tirelessly to help with the homeless folks here in Kelowna.
As i visit with folks each week, each person is so thankful for what Metro Community Church brings to their lives. We are a safe place, and they know that, where they can rest, get hot food, receive encouragement and acceptance, and they are referred to agencies that can help them get out of the cycle of defeat. They are so grateful.
"Refuse to do nothing!" has been a motto of mine for many years. So, however you can help please do.
Thanks for considering. Love, Carole