It's cold out there. As we trench through the snow, shovel our driveways, bundle up in warm outer layers, and return to our cozy home, I can't stop thinking about those who don't have these comforts and luxuries. Together with thousands of Canadians across the country, on Saturday night, February 22nd, our family will be walking and fundraising to support people and families experiencing hunger, homelessness, and related tremendous and complex challenges - those simply trying to survive this winter.
Please consider supporting our efforts by sponsoring our wallk which is raising funds for an organization close and dear to our hearts - Ve'ahavta. We have seen firsthand how Ve'ahavta quite literally is saving lives every single day on the streets of Toronto, and giving hope, love, and countless supports to those who need us most. We couldn't be more proud to be doing this for Ve'ahavta, and on behalf of the Jewish community - actioning our Jewish values. Please donate what you can, and better yet - join our team and walk with us!!!
Love, The Segalls