It's cold out there. And I've lived out there during the harsh, unrelenting, freezing, painful months of winter. And after way to long of a time, and putting in the work I needed to do, and with the help of some wonderful, kind, generous, supportive, caring, selfless ,truly life changing, inspiring organizations and people. I now have for just over a year, become one of the fortunate people in this world who can once again say the simple , so very common phrase "I'm going home!" Unless you felt that simple phrase not being something you can relate to. Not something that you got to say anymore because you had no home. That's tough tougher than I could have ever imagined until I lived it. And I know that unless you lived it unless you have lost that in your life at one time or another. There is no words to explain how that little sentence, hearing it from other people and not being able to say it yourself, is so heartbreakingly impossibly hard. But I always said nobody's coming out there to hand me my apartment key or my life back I had to get up and I had to go get it and I did and it was hard but it was worth it and it still is. And I didn't do it alone I couldn't have. So I want to give back where I can and this is one of those ways I can do that. So I'm thankful to every organization even the ones I've never used myself that are out there fighting to get people to fight for their lives back. Without any judgments or looking down on us or telling us how wrong we are to live that way you're just out there genuinely doing this because you want to help and you are you're helping people who are struggling in whatever way they're struggling. We don't set out to end up there and sometimes we just don't know how to find our way back. And someone giving us a hand back up and supporting us on our walk back to a life that is so much easier and better and safer. There's no way to ever put a price on that or to ever find a big enough thank you to all of you who selflessly choose to do something like that for people like me. I'm paying it forward best I can and this is one way I can do that. Thank you to all of you thank you.