2007 Registered Participants:




A special thanks to everyone for supporting all those affected by brain tumours at the 2007 Halifax Spring Sprint.  About 120 people walked or ran through the beautiful and sunny weather at Beazley Field in Dartmouth. All of the money raised will go to support all aspects of our mission to reach every Canadian affected by a brain tumour through support, education and information and to fund brain tumour research.

A big THANK YOU to all of our event sponsors, volunteers in the orange shirts, participants and a special thanks to Mahoganey Marcial for putting together such a successful event.

Tax receipts for cash and cheque donations and incentive gift certificates will be mailed out by August 31, 2007.

**Please note that totals are approximate

SUPPORTERS, you can:
1. Sponsor an Individual
2. Sponsor or Join a Team
3. Make a direct donation to the Halifax Spring Sprint

Top Fundraisers

1.CRAIG ENNETT$5,105.00
2.Katherine Maddox$1,350.00
3.Friend of Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada$1,050.00
4.Marilyn Hicks Hicks$1,015.00
5.Sheila Patriquin$600.00

Top Teams

Team NameConfirmedPledgedTotal
1.ITS NOT A TUMOUR!!!$5,220.00$45.00$5,265.00
2.Team Patriquin$980.00$1,490.00$2,470.00
3.Jack's Team$910.00$920.00$1,830.00
4.Karen's B Strong's$1,440.00$80.00$1,520.00
5.Cranie Squared$590.00$622.00$1,212.00

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