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Please Sponsor Katherine Maddox

Your support is truly appreciated

Katherine Maddox
[100 % of goal]
May 27, 2007 11:00 AM
My Message
Please help me raise money to find a cure for brain tumors. I'll be walking in honor of my mom, Karen Brown, who was a wonderful mother and should have been a spectacular grandparent for years to come. Every little bit does help. Thank you.


My Donors

Tiffany Fisher 

Liam & Olivia Maddox 

Kari Ripperger 

Mary & Neil Maddox 

Robert Merchant 

Friend of Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada 

Linda Simmons 

Mary Ellen Hallett 

Jamey and Chris Taylor 

Jennifer ruth 

Friend of Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada 

Jane and Ron Mattingly-Courson 

Holly Jo Nunn 

Catherine Arfin 

Leslie Maddox-Ross 

Muriel MacKay 

Sean Maddox 

Kristin Howley 

Lisa Aaron 

Jenn & Bill Mell 

Kelly and Josh Pointer 

Chantel Proietti 

For more information about our event, please call or email us.