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Help us build champions.  Support our athletes.

We’re looking into the future, creating a collective vision and seeing it through. That means relentlessly striving to be leaders and the best in every way, including developing great men and women, great athletic programs and a continued tradition of academic excellence.  

Brock University has won 44 National Championships and 82 Provincial Championships, and with your support, we can win more!

What does giving look like?
          If every graduate who played a sport here at Brock gave $25 to help support current athletes:
· 480 athletes would not have to pay fees this year to compete in the sport they love.  
· 20 teams would be fully supported, allowing them to represent Brock University on a                                      provincial and national level.
          This would mean giving up just 12 Tim Horton's coffees a year.

Please consider making a financial contribution to help make a difference in the lives of our Brock Badgers.

*When you make a gift online and support Brock Sports, a charitable receipt for income tax purposes will be issued by email immediately following your transaction.  Please click on "Adopt A Badger" and select the team that you would like to support.


Need help?

Please email
Darren Fox : dfox2@brocku.ca

or call 905.688.5550 x4177

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