CAA Savings Squad
Amount Raised
Fundraising Goal $1,000.00

Our Message

We're participating in the YMCA Move for Kids because at the Y, all kids can learn to swim, try new sports and become a leader.

YMCA Strong Kids Campaign ensures that every child and youth has equal access to YMCA programs regardless of their financial circumstance. On Saturday, February 24, we invite you to join our team to help give every kid a chance for a healthy start in life. Thanks for helping us make a difference!

If you can't join us, you can also sponsor our team by making a secure online donation using your credit card.

%TeamName% is affiliated with %CorporateTeamName%

Our Supporters (1)

Rick Mauro donated $100.00
Feb 23, 2018 1:03 PM

© YMCA 2018 Charitable No. 11930 7064 RR0001