Hey everyone!
We are stoked you have chosen to support us for the month of February. Let's make it fun. Money raised through our team goes directly to The Darby Project to fund our projects for Army Rangers & their families!
Please share our fundraiser with your friends and family with this short link: http://bit.ly/TDPswampfox19
Please use the hashtags: #RRR19 #RunRangerRun #wheresdarby #thedarbyproject #rwltw #rltw in any social media posts
{ darbyproject.org || @thedarbyproject || @runrangerrun }
We can walk, run, bike, row....you name it. Anything we can do to keep our commitment to 565 miles for this month. Logging miles is based on the honor system and fundraising is strongly encouraged since RRR is one of the largest sources of funding TDP and all GallantFew organizations use to fund our veteran outreach projects and resources.
We genuinely appreciate you and your support. RANGERS LEAD THE WAY!