Team Al, is a Team of one,, I will be completing the miles by myself to fundraise and bring awarenes to the many challenges that many of my fellow veterans face,, Every Day more than 20 Veterans commit suicide as they believe there is no other options for them. To me this is unaccaptable,, these men and women of all services, who have Served this country and putting themselves in harms way to come home and believe that they have no other options once they are back. We have to do better for our veterans, and if pushing myself for 28 days to complete 565 miles will help people become aware of this and the many other problems they face, then I am more than willing. Please donate and help our service veterans,, without them we would not have the freedoms we so often take for granted, yet as a veteran i know also, that while serving many times and places the very freedoms we/they fight to protect are taken from them while they serve. They do this willingly and with honor,, lets do the same, and honor all of them.