Green PlanetChem-Dry

Our Message

Chem-Dry is dedicated to helping families maintain a happy, healthy home. That commitment extends to all family members, including pets. Chem-Dry is proud to offer an array of superior cleaning services – including our revolutionary Pet Urine Removal Treatment (P.U.R.T.) – that help pet owners maintain a clean, safe and healthy home for both their two-legged and their four-legged family members.

As an extension to this commitment, Chem-Dry is raising funds for Best Friends Animal Society® to encourage pet adoption and support no-kill animal shelters across the country.

Every day, more than 9,000 dogs and cats are killed in shelters around the United States because they don’t have a home. This sad reality can be overcome by encouraging people to adopt pets and by implementing spay/neuter programs that reduce the number of animals entering shelters.

Best Friends Animal Society has been building effective programs to save animals for over 30 years. Before they began, nearly 17 million animals were killed in shelters every year. Today, that number is down to about 4 million. Best Friends is committed to working hard every day until that number reaches zero.

Please join us in supporting this worthy and important cause. Your donations go directly to Best Friends Animal Society® and their SaveThem All® network of over 1,500 no-kill shelters across the country.

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Our Supporters (1)

Chris Rogers CEO of Green Planet Chem-Dry left a message
Jun 3, 2020 12:46 PM
Thank you to all our customers who have given a little extra with their pet odor (PURT) treatments. This means the world to us here at Green Planet Chem-Dry. We will continue to support this wonderful cause and we will match up to $5 for every customer that donates with their Pet Odor treatment for the remainder of 2020.