Équipe : Christopher et ami.e.s
Amount Raised
Fundraising Goal $1,800.00

Our Message

Le samedi 5 octobre, encore cette année, notre équipe cherche des fonds pour soutenir le travail d'Action Réfugiés Montréal (ARM) via l'activité Ride for Refuge.  L'ARM aide les gens qui souhaitent trouver ici à Montréal une vie sécuritaire et libre ainsi que leurs parrains. Soyons solidaires avec ces personnes et appuyons l'ARM dans ses programmes d'aide. Merci de votre aide. 

We're fundraising for Action Réfugiés Montréal (ARM) in the Ride for Refuge on October 5 in solidarity with people seeking hope, safety, and freedom. And although it only takes a few hours of our time, we know it will make a difference. By participating in the RIDE, we're standing in solidarity with people who have little or no voice and who often get left behind or ignored. And by fundraising, we're supporting a charity who is bringing hope and refuge to those same people. Thanks for supporting us! #ride24

Event Date
Oct 5, 2024 9:00 AM
Location Name
Montréal Verdun - Action Réfugiés Montréal
%TeamName% is affiliated with %CorporateTeamName%

Our Supporters

Paul Clarke left a message
Sep 18, 2024 9:04 AM
Congratulations on surpassing $1,000 in donations! What a great team, year after year.
David Gardner donated $25.00
Sep 17, 2024 4:08 PM
Sari Kelen left a message
Sep 15, 2024 7:57 PM
Thank you very much for your support, G. M.!! I am cycling 12.5 km three times a week, preparing to ride 20 km on October 5th. It's a wonderful event! Best wishes!
Gabor Matyas left a message
Sep 15, 2024 12:20 PM
Thank you for doing this!
Gabor Matyas left a message
Sep 15, 2024 12:19 PM
Thank you for doing this, Christopher.
Sari Kelen left a message
Sep 13, 2024 1:51 PM
Ride for Refuge is a worthy cause! It’s so much fun to ride with like-minded people. Riding on a bike path along the river in Verdun very pleasing. Refugees in detention are there because their documents might be incomplete or missing. With a phone card they can call loved ones to provide their necessary paperwork.. Every $6 that I raise by cycling pays for a phone card. The money we raise also pays for extra food, clothing and toiletries for the refugees in detention.