Edmonton Chinese Alliance Church - CMC
Amount Raised
Fundraising Goal $5,000.00

Our Message



凡 有 世 上 財 物 的 , 看 見 弟 兄 窮 乏 , 卻 塞 住 憐 恤 的 心 , 愛 神 的 心 怎 能 存 在 他 裡 面 呢 ?(約翰一書 3:17)

使徒約翰在《約翰一書》3:17 的教導也適用於基督徒群體之外,因為每個人,無論是基督徒還是非基督徒,在上帝眼中都看為寶貴。事實上,以行動關懷是向世界宣告神的愛最佳方式之一,特別是在那些有需要的人身上。那麼,作為一個教會,我們可以做些什麼呢?

2025 年 2 月 22 日,祈禱事工將參與「寒冬最冷的一夜」(CNOY,步行籌款,這是一項社區關懷活動,我們加添了屬靈成分。我們不僅會為芥菜種機構(the Mustard Seed)籌款,同時還會為我們的城市行區祈禱。芥菜種是一個基督教非牟利組織,在加拿大西部的六個城市開展事工,包括埃德蒙頓和卡加利,其使命是幫助無家可歸和貧困基層過復康和自立的生活(https:// )。


我們誠意邀請您與我們同禱同行,請點擊[ join the team]加入我們的隊伍,又或慷慨解囊,點擊 [donate to team]支持這項有意義的行動。代這羣無助的人羣,說聲:謝謝!

It’s cold out there! 

When you see someone experiencing hurt, hunger, loneliness and homelessness, what are you going to do?

If anyone has material possessions and sees a brother or sister in need but has no pity on them, how can the love of God be in that person? (1 John 3:17)

Apostle John’s teaching in 1 John 3:17 can be applied beyond the Christian community because every individual, Christian or non-Christian, is precious in God’s sight. In fact, caring in action is one of the best ways to manifest God’s love to the world, especially those in need. Then, what can we as a church do corporately?

On February 22, 2025, the Prayer Ministry is going to participate in The Coldest Night of the Year (CNOY), a community caring event, with an added spiritual component. We’ll not only FUNDRAISE for the Mustard Seed, but also PRAYWALK for our city. The Mustard Seed, a Christian non-profit organization, operates in six western Canadian cities, including Edmonton and Calgary, with a noble mission of helping individuals experiencing homelessness and poverty regain their health and independence (

A simple prayer. A small step. A heartwarming blessing.

We would like to invite you to join us in this prayer and fundraising challenge by clicking the “join the team” button or give generously by clicking the "Donate Now" button above. Thanks!

Event Date
Feb 22, 2025 4:00 PM
Location Name
Edmonton Strathcona - The Mustard Seed
%TeamName% is affiliated with %CorporateTeamName%

Team Supporters