It's cold out there. And this February, our team is going to do something about it. Together with thousands of Canadians across the country, we're walking and fundraising to support and serve people and families experiencing hurt, hunger, and homelessness in our community.
Here is the plan for the walk. Meet at Summit Church prior to 4:00 pm. For those of you that don't know me , I'll be standing at the back of the church auditorium holding a sign that says Redwood. There will be a staggered start. The walk is 2.5 kms to Grace Place where we will get a tour of the facility and something warm to drink. Then, a 2.5 km walk back to Summit Church where we will be treated with a delicious supper. Thanks for participating and supporting this very worthwhile cause. If you have any questions you can call/text me at 18076274118. See you on February 22.