SUNDAY May 29, 2022
8:00 AM - 1:00 PM

4075 GORDON DRIVE, Kelowna BC

Strong Women For Strong Kids
Amount Raised
Fundraising Goal $4,000.00

Provide Opportunity

A gift of $50 will remove financial barriers and get 3 low-income kids started in swim lessons at the Y for one month.

Donate $50

Invest in Local Kids Today

A gift of $75 to support 3 low-income kids find safe spaces, leadership opportunities and encouraging mentors at the Y.

Donate $75

Give Peace of Mind

A gift of $150 provides a low-income family one month access to childcare through the Y.

Donate $150

Bruce Lee

are participating in YMCA Cycle for Strong Kids!



We are a team of strong women who believe in a community that puts time and resources into raising strong kids. It takes a village, and the Y is a major player in this community's village, helping both parents and children to reach their full potential. We are proud to be riding for this amazing cause! 

We believe that every child should be given the chance to be active and develop skills, confidence and self-esteem. We know that all kids need a place where they feel they belong and are encouraged to discover their full potential.

This is why we are supporting YMCA Cycle for Strong Kids!

Our ride will fund the YMCA Strong Kids Campaign, which helps to provide financial assistance to children, teens, young adults and families, making the Y vision of healthy communities possible. The Y ensures no child is left out and every family who needs financial assistance has equal access to YMCA facilities, programs and services. We believe that by providing our children with a strong start, they will have a great future. And, ultimately, strong, healthy children means a strong, healthy community for all of us.

Please join our team in making an impact by donating. Click on a donation amount, or surprise us with your own gift amount by clicking “Donate to this TEAM” at the top left of the page.

Beyond the Bell: $2,000 will give a vulnerable child, who is struggling with their learning, the math and reading support they need to succeed through this academic and social enrichment program.

Child Care Assistance: $2,500 enables a struggling family to access pre-school or after-school programs for their child for an entire year.

Assisted Membership: $5,000 gives 3 families in need a one-year YMCA membership.

Your support is greatly appreciated!

Thank you!

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Charitable Registration Number 11924 0224 RR0001

© YMCA of Okanagan 2022