

Setting Up Your Fundraising Page

Let's Learn!

Once you register to fundraise for Dakin, you will be brought to your fundraising hub ("Personal Fundraising Page") or you can log in at any time using the username and password you set up during registration. 

Personal Fundraising Page Tools

Once logged in to your Personal Fundraising Page, you will be taken to your dashboard. Here, you have access to several tools to help you grow your fundraising, including:

Getting Started


Step 1: The above image is your Dashboard where you will view fundraising progress and be able to navigate to your Participant Page and Emails page (see navigation bar on the left)


Step 2: Edit your participant page by clicking on the Participant Page button in the left-hand menu under your profile.

Step 3: Add a personal fundraising message by clicking on the pencil icon or clicking directly in the text box and typing in your own text. 

Step 4: Add an image! Add or change your profile image by clicking on the camera icon and uploading an image from your files.  Crop the image to fit the requirements of the image size for the page and then click Save. Add any additional images to an existing image gallery by clicking on the gear icon located at the bottom of the gallery. This will bring up an image setting menu that allows users to add additional images and manage existing images.

(TIP: To add videos, click on the gear icon located in the lower right-hand corner of the video block to add a video.  This will bring up a video settings tab where the user can add a new YouTube or Vimeo URL)

After you add in your photos you can take a look at your Personalized Fundraising Page by clicking the button on the top right that reads "View Page"! And, now you're ready to share!



Step 5: Navigate to the Email section and select "Ask for Donations". You can use our pre-written email, or edit your own!


Now you are ready to start sharing your page on Social Media. Follow this link to view more tips and suggested social media posts.