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Communities Campaign
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The Janeway Children’s Hospital Foundation was created to raise funds to benefit the health care of Newfoundland and Labrador’s most precious resource – its children. The overwhelming support received from donors enables the Foundation to assist the province’s only pediatric hospital, The Janeway Children’s Health & Rehabilitation Centre, and to invest in the health care of our children – from the unborn infant to children up to 18 years of age. As a direct result of WF Mount Pearl 2020 fundraising efforts, the Janeway continued to provide services to approximately 123,000 patients attending the hospital, and some of the funds went towards the purchase of a new $3M CT Scan for the Children’s Health and Rehabilitation Centre - the CT Scan has the unique ability to obtain clear precise imaging with little to no sedation and a reduction in radiation!
The Somerset County Mobile Food Bank is operated by a group of volunteers who gather to provide fresh produce, frozen proteins (meat and fish) to local low-income families where food insecurity is a major problem. The Laurel Vista farm acts as the host for the operations of the mobile food bank where volunteers plant, harvest and pack potatoes, peppers, corn, and green beans for distribution. Utilizing refrigerated trucks to distribute the food, the SCMFB visits 9 locations in the county each month. As a direct result of WF Somerset 2020 fundraising efforts, the Mobile Food Bank was able to support more families (as a result of the COVID-19 crisis, the families in need rose by 40%), much needed truck maintenance work was undertaken (box truck tailgate was replaced and new tires purchased), and SCMFB was able to serve on average 1,600 households with 45-50 lbs. of food and an additional 500 families with a Saturday delivery.
FoodShare is a Toronto non-profit community food organization whose vision is Good Healthy Food for All. Foodshare allocates funds throughout the year across a few different program areas that all provide support to communities on several fronts. Choice Toronto 2020 fundraising efforts supported "Food" and "Seniors" programs as part of a COVID-19 response strategy. The total impact to-date: 1.) Emergency Good Food Boxes - - since Jan 2021, Foodshare delivered a total of 40,462 boxes (estimated 647,392 lbs fresh produce) to approx. 20,000 households. 2.) Good Food Markets – Foodshare has 19 markets in regular operation, including 4 new market locations that launched in 2020. Each market serves an average of 50 customers per month, with an estimate reach of 3,800 customers. Choice employees engaged in various opportunities, such as delivering Emergency Good Food Boxes (in person, contactless), used their own vehicles to deliver food to folks who had signed up for this emergency relief as well as Choice staff experimented with growing their own food from seed or scraps, and created social media content with links to FoodShare's work to support urban agriculture and closed loop food production.
The Food Bank of Siouxland is the main food supplier for nonprofit agencies in Siouxland, including food pantries, homeless shelters, soup kitchens, residential facilities, daycare, and senior centers. Currently, the Food Bank of Siouxland provides food to approximately 100 member agencies in 11 counties in the Siouxland area. Presently, the FBS provides nutritious, child-friendly food to approximately 2,000 elementary school children in 10 area schools. Even though these students are receiving free meals at school during the week, they show signs of chronic hunger on Monday morning! As a direct result of WF North Sioux City 2020 fundraising efforts, 2,000 children are enrolled in the BackPack Program, the BackPack Program can continue to provide weekend food to chronically hungry children each Friday - October through May - before they return home to empty cupboards and few, if any, meals. Local kids have the chance to succeed without hunger as an obstacle.
The Henry & William Home for Children provides a home for previously abused, neglected or homeless children. Maintaining a caring, loving, and supportive family-like home for school-aged children as well as continued support for former residents as adults. All while complimenting and engaging permanent relationships with others in each child's life. As a direct result of WF Front Royal 2020 fundraising efforts, Evans Home could assist 25 children each year with on average 13 children living at the home at any given time. The children – of whom almost 100% have experienced food-insecurity and poor nutrition – are taught the importance of nutrition and healthy diet as a critical part of their development and success. It strives to continue along the path of teaching which extends beyond the children to the siblings and households it works with during transition of the children back to the community and beyond! Front Royal sent some cookie samples to Evan’s Home children, which inspired everything from ice-cream activities at home to the older children making their own cookies to earn money while they could not work outside the home due to quarantine.
The Big Brothers Big Sisters of Peel Inc. runs two important programs: 1) Go Girls! Healthy Bodies, Healthy Minds is a school- based mentoring program for girls in grades 7 and 8. The program curriculum promotes active living, healthy eating and positive self-esteem. Female mentors ages 18 – 25 are trained to lead the fun and interactive 7- week sessions. 2) Game On! Eat Smart, Play Smart, Live Smart is a school- based mentoring program for boys ages 11 – 14 that focuses on issues facing boys and young men through physical activity, healthy eating, self-esteem and communication skills. Trained male mentors lead the 7- week program in participating schools. As a direct result of WF Brampton & Mississauga 2020 fundraising efforts, 72 youth participated in Go Girls and Game On virtual programming on the Zoom platform from 4 - 5 pm. Program kits were delivered to the youth and mentors in advance to ensure they had all the tools they needed for fun, educational and engaging sessions. Members reported that they felt more self-confident and that BBBS Peel was a safe place for them to express themselves, learn, have fun, and share common experiences with other youth.
For almost 25 years, the Breakfast Club has followed its mission – to nurture the potential and health of children. The support, generosity, empathy and incredible loyalty of WF Quebec has allowed the Club to continue to care for more children each year, and to ensure they have an equal chance of success by reducing food insecurity. As a direct result of WF Gatineau, Longueuil and Napierville more than 7,484 lunches were served throughout the 2020 school year with the equivalent of $500,000 value of bread was put on the plates of Canadian children who had lunch in a Club. While 2020 was turned upside down by the Covid-19 pandemic, food insecurity has only increased: 1 in 3 children across the country currently experience food insecurity on a daily basis, but the Breakfast Club has been able to support more than 150,000 children and youth in Quebec, through partnered organizations and schools.
The mission of the North York Harvest Food Bank is to engage the community in meeting the food needs of northern Toronto by providing dignified food assistance, education, focused advocacy, and long-term food solutions. Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the demand for North York Harvest Food Bank increased dramatically while its capacity to provide emergency was reduced significantly. Close to 70% of its network was forced to close due to their location in public spaces or loss of in-person volunteer support. At the same time, the food bank experienced more than a 20% increase in the number of visits with many new clients being multi-person households with children. As a result of GWL Corporate Office 2020 fundraising efforts, over 51,000 individuals were served of whom approximately 1/3 were children. The food bank was able to purchase food for distribution as many of its community food drives were cancelled and support its pop-up food bank operations as 4 of its locations were forced to operate outdoors, in high volume areas.
KidSport Calgary believes no kid should be left on the sidelines, and all should be given the opportunity to experience the positive benefits of organized sport. KidSport provides support to children in order to remove financial barriers that prevent kids from playing organized sport. KidSport funding not only gives a supported child the chance to play, it also provides peers to a new teammate; sport clubs enough kids to fill a team or program; resources for a sports club to operate; local jobs in sport related fields and support for the infrastructure needed for an entire community to flourish. As a result of WF Calgary 2020 fundraising efforts, 110 children were directly supported under the Sport Fee Assistance Program. An expected 3,500 kids were to be provided access to no cost equipment through the KidSport sports bank when sports opened after lockdown. The Sport Registration Fee Assistance and No-cost Equipment programs opened the doors to sport for thousands of kids in the Calgary community who would otherwise have been left out.
Evermore Gather Grow Lead Inc. is a stable and trusted presence in Winnipeg’s West Central community. It provides high-quality recreational and developmental programming for area youth. It builds community through children by providing a safe place where children feel a sense of belonging, structuring opportunities for growth, skill development, creativity through mentally and physically stimulating activities, being positive role models and practicing consistency and stability, and creating opportunities to enrich the West Central neighbourhood of Winnipeg. As a result of WF Winnipeg 2020 fundraising efforts, 78 children participated in the programming over 1,377 visits, Evermore developed a new online approach to programming where children received an activity kit as well as a monthly delivery of supplies for all the activities. Evermore also created Evermore@Home (E@Home): an online social media program that posts daily for children on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.