Other Ways to Give

You may make a donation online, by mail or phone:

Mail (cheque, payable to "University of British Columbia"): UBC Annual Giving, 500 – 5950 University Blvd, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z3 (On the cheque or in an accompanying note, please indicate who the donation is in memory of.)

Phone (credit card): 604.827.4111 (toll-free 1.877.717.4483)

US Tax Receipts: If you require a US tax receipt, please make a check payable to The American Foundation for the University of British Columbia and mail to #1030 15th St. NW B1-Ste.155 Washington DC 20005. View our international donations webpage for more details.

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Make a donation in memory of  

Gill Moranwali


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For tax receipt purposes, the credit card name should be the same as the donor name. For exceptions, please contact annual.giving@ubc.ca.
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