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2020 Split This Rock Poetry Festival: Poems of Provocation & Witness Sponsorship Form

Your sponsorship makes the Festival possible!
Major sponsorships like yours help Split This Rock cover a range of core Festival costs-- from travel, lodging, and honorariums for featured poets and venue rentals to accessibility services and registration subsidies for community members. Sponsorships play a major role in supplementing grants and donations and help us offer prestige poetry events for free to the public and keep the cost of Festival registration affordable for attendees.

Your sponsorship donation can be made online using this form. Please contact Alexandria Petrassi at alexandria@splitthisrock.org to pay by check. After your sponsorship donation is complete, staff will contact you to request information needed for program book ads, Festival passes, book fair tables, and reserved seating. To include your logo or sponsorship in the printed Festival program book, digital platforms, or on t-shirts, all information must be received by January 17, 2020. 

LEVEL 1 ($10,000 and above):
1. Ten (10) Split This Rock Festival passes, with reserved seating for Featured Readings
2. Full table at the Festival Book Fair
3. Promotional Package featuring: 
        a. Full page black & white ad in Festival program book
        b. Featured on Festival sponsors page of Split This Rock’s website
        c. Thank you on Sponsor page of Festival program book
        d. Social media feature
        e. National email list feature sent to over 7,500 writers, educators, and organizers nationwide
        f. Logo featured on digital platforms, printed Festival promotion, Festival t-
           shirts, and mainstage slideshow before every featured reading (3 nights, 
           400-600 attendees/night)
        g. Thanks and acknowledgement from the stage at featured readings

LEVEL 2 SPONSOR ($5,000 and above):
1. Five (5) Split This Rock Festival passes, with reserved seating for Featured Readings
2. Full table at the Festival Book Fair
3. Promotional Package featuring:
    a. Full page black & white ad in Festival program book
        b. Featured on Festival sponsors page of Split This Rock’s website
        c. Thank you on Sponsor page of Festival program book
        d. Social media feature
        e. National email list feature sent to over 7,500 writers, educators, and organizers nationwide
        f. Logo featured on digital platforms

LEVEL 3 SPONSOR ($1,000 and above):
1. Two (2) Split This Rock Festival passes, with reserved seating for Featured Readings
2. Full table at the Festival Book Fair
3. Promotional Package featuring:
        a. Full page black & white ad in Festival program book
        b. Featured on Festival sponsors page of Split This Rock’s website
        c. Thank you on Sponsor page of Festival program book            
Visit Split This Rock's website for information on other opportunities to secure program book ads and reserve space at the book fair.    


Please provide your contact and payment information. 
* Denotes required information.


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* * Donation Amount:
Did you know that by covering the processing fee, OLD-Split This Rock will be able to help more people?
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