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Looking to Donate to the STU Food Bank NOT online?

Give by mail:
St Thomas University
51 Dineen Drive
Fredericton, NB
E3B 5G3

For more information about the STU Food Bank contact Vivien Zelazny at vivienz@stu.ca


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Welcome to the STU Food Bank Donation Page!


The STU Food Bank is a food pantry located on campus providing emergency food assistance to St. Thomas students. Use of the Food Bank is anonymous, so students do not need to feel any stigma for seeking out the help they need. The Food Bank is supported by donations from individuals like you. 

Thank you for your support!

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Contact Information

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Please identify your relationship with St Thomas University (check all that apply):

Please enter any special instructions for this gift:

Please recognize this as a gift from myself and:

* Please indicate whether we may include your name in our recognition pieces or if you wish to remain anonymous

If you were asked to support this program by a specific participant, please enter his or her name here:

Matching Gift

Your employer may match your gift. Enter your employer name below to see if your company offers matching gift.
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    Payment Information

    * * Donation Amount:
    * Processing Date:
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