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Please provide your contact and payment information. The contact information is required to generate a tax receipt. The electronic tax receipt will be sent to the email address that you provide.
* Denotes required information.


Contact Information

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Survey Questions

* I agree to receive communications regarding the impact of my donation and Centraide activities.

Payment Information

* Donation Amount:
* Processing Date:

The information collected through this form is required by Centraide to process your donation transaction and to communicate with you (acknowledge your contribution and thank you). Your information will be communicated to our subcontractors and partners to whom it is necessary to communicate it for these purposes, such as the Centraide and United Way of Canada network, which may be located outside Quebec. You have the right to access and rectify your personal information, and you may withdraw your consent at any time. By providing your information on this form, you acknowledge that you have consulted Centraide of Greater Montreal's privacy policy.

The information collected through this form is required by Centraide to process your donation transaction and to communicate with you (acknowledge your contribution and thank you). Your information will be communicated to our subcontractors and partners to whom it is necessary to communicate it for these purposes, such as the Centraide and United Way of Canada network, which may be located outside Quebec. You have the right to access and rectify your personal information, and you may withdraw your consent at any time. By providing your information on this form, you acknowledge that you have consulted the privacy policy of the Centraide or United Way to which you are directing your donation. Consult Centraide of Greater Montreal's privacy policy.