Darby Project

Help us reach our goal by donating to our team.

Every dollar raised will go to supporting the missions of the GallantFew Family of Organizations, and ensure every service member has a successful transition from active duty to a civilian life filled with hope and purpose, regardless if that transition happened years ago.  

Examples of our mission include:

1. Assessing and connecting service members and veterans in communities who share similar interests and backgrounds, building strong communities.

2. Organizing and hosting events for active duty service members that will prepare them for the future; mind, body, and soul.

3. Planning and executing activities that focus on camaraderie and growth like rock climbing trips, Camping trips, Ranger days, Socials, Networking Events, and more.

4. Encouraging our support base to get involved with other organizations, so we can have zero gaps in coverage and create a team-like environment.

Your support will changes lives. Please consider donating, and sharing our team links. RANGERS LEAD THE WAY!!

So far, Darby Project has raised


Recent Donations

Team Granger donated $50.00 to your team
January 21, 2019 at 11:49 PM
Clare Carroll
January 8, 2019 at 10:54 PM
Frank H Jakobs donated $30.00 to your team
November 4, 2018 at 6:37 PM
Steve Eckes donated $30.00 to your team
November 4, 2018 at 4:33 PM

Team Donations