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Jenna Porter's Red Kettle Page

Please Help Fill This Salvation Army Online Kettle...

Jenna Porter
[30 % of goal]
Mar 31, 2006 11:45 PM
The Salvation Army Online Red Kettle
My Message
You'll feel good when you do good.
Please send this link to all those you know so they can give a little too. Every penny helps.

The Salvation Army's traditional red kettle is an integral part of the Christmas season. Donations provide Christmas dinners, food, clothing and toys for needy families and individuals. When you donate, expect The Salvation Army to do the most good with your contribution in your community, and throughout the nation, serving over 34 million Americans through a variety of programs 365 days of the year.

Join me by clicking on Donate NOW and help me fill my Online Personal Red Kettle in support of The Salvation Army.

Your generous gift will make a lasting impression for someone who would otherwise be without...   Every year The Salvation Army provides for many who are far less fortunate than ourselves. They ensure that thousands are fed and those who may be out of work, suffered serious illness or who are homeless can get assistance when needed most!

Please Note:  Your online gift to The Salvation Army is tax deductible and you will automatically receive an e-gift acknowledgment once your donation has processed.

For additional information about our "Online Red Kettle" campaign or if you too would like to host your own Red Kettle and then ask others to fill it with online donations, please visit

Should you have any concerns regarding your online donation or if you find anything on this page offensive, please CONTACT US.