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Please Sponsor Kimberly Hasson

Your support is truly appreciated

Kimberly Hasson
[100 % of goal]
May 27, 2007 9:00 AM
My Message
Help us take steps towards a cure!

Cystic fibrosis (CF), which affects the lungs and the digestive system, is the most common, fatal, genetic (or inherited) disease affecting Canadian children and young adults.

All money raised through pledges and donations will be used by the Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Foundation to fund cystic fibrosis research and treatment programs at 38 Canadian CF clinics and five transplant centres.Help Kimberly and Annika find a cure. Fight the fight. Let CF stands for cure found!God Bless!

My Donors

Kimberly Hasson 

Kirk Robinson 

Great Strides Supporter 

The Hip Mama Communications Company  

Tammy Schnekenburger 

Kari DeCarlo 

Great Strides Supporter 

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