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Please Sponsor Susan Brown

Your support is truly appreciated

Susan Brown
[100 % of goal]
May 6, 2007 9:00 AM
My Message
I'm participating for the estimated 55,000 Canadians currently living with a brain tumour, and the 10,000 more that will be diagnosed this year. Help me imagine a cure! Sadly, my sister, Karen Brown (Weir), (pictured in white in her home province of N.S.) recently passed away as a result of her brain tumour, but she was ever hopeful that a cure was immenent. This is my first attempt at fundraising for the foundation. The BTF provided support when we reached out, and information when I attended seminars here in London. I feel compelled to imagine a cure for others which was not there for Karen. Please consider sponsoring me in London or The Karen B Strong Team (family and friends) in Halifax, and support the Brain Tumour Foundation.

My Donors

Friend of Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada 

Kari Ripperger 

Barb Cameron 

Pam Shelton 

Kathleen Garvey 

John, David, T.J., Georgia Macdonald 

Louise King 

Friend of Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada 

Ann Marie Powers 

Friend of Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada 

Friend of Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada 

Friend of Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada 

Friend of Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada 

For more information about our event, please call or email us.