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Please Sponsor Jennifer Cheadle

Your support is truly appreciated

Jennifer Cheadle
[97 % of goal]
My Message
On April 14th I will be modeling in a fashion show called Fashion for Paws to benefit the Washington Humane Society. Leading up to the event I am participating in a friendly competition with the other Fashion for Paws models to see who can raise the most money for the Washington Humane Society. The male and female winner will be chosen based on who has raised the most money for the Washington Humane Society and will be honored at Fashion for Paws and awarded the title “Model Washingtonian of the Year.” All of the money raised for the Washington Humane Society will go directly to its Good Home Guarantee five-year plan, that promises to find a home for every adoptable dog and cat that enters the shelter by 2010. If you want to learn more about the Washington Humane Society and its mission to save and protect homeless animals in DC please visit: Please help me make a difference in the lives of homeless animals by sponsoring me! Click on the “Sponsor Me” link below to make a contribution. Every dollar counts! Thank you for your support!

My Donors

Fashion for Paws Friend 

Vann Walke 


Christopher Rothstein 

james roland 

Kris Winkler 

Laurie Schaefer 

April Lambert 

Cesar Devoto 

Dora McCann  

Trip Lilly 

George Chopivsky 

Andrew Krosnowski 

Aleksandra Slowinska 

Fashion for Paws Friend 

Lisa Locascio 

Ann Scotton 

Lada Whisler 

Eden Ellis 

Kevin Cassidy 

Kaan Pazarbasi 

Priscila Reis 

Emma Eastwood 

Erin Murtha 

Lauren Griswold 

Ashley Dobbs 

pratima pathak 

sanjeev aggarwal 

Asha Kumar 

Anil Punyapu 

Amit Anand 


Bradley Teague 

Loren Herrington 

Devon Parsons 

Jared Marinelli 

Heather Carlson 

Fashion for Paws Friend 

Carla Pregnolato 

Matt McLaughlin 

Murphey Harmon 

John Elink-Schuurman 

Fashion for Paws Friend 

Christian & Jessica Johnson 

Hilary Parrish  

Fashion for Paws Friend 

Brad Nierenberg 

Charles Ghoorah 

Fashion for Paws Friend 

Jeanne Skinner 

Windy Shepard 

James Mannix 

Tom Sterbutzel 

Tatiani Fontes 

Fashion for Paws is now SOLD OUT, and we have started a waiting list. To be added to the waiting list to purchase a $75 ticket please call 202-723-5730 and dial either of the following extensions: x204, x200, x206, or e-mail You can still continue to support the models in the race to become the "Model Washingtonian of the Year" and all of the animals in the Washington Humane Society shelters. Thank you.