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Check out our race pictures: Thank you for Sponsoring the Chung Family and helping us to raise funds for the walk!!

Your support is truly appreciated.

Damini Chung
[100 % of goal]
Sep 21, 2013 8:00 AM
2) Family - 5km Walk/Run
My Message
On Saturday Sept 21st, we took part in RBC Run for the Kids to support youth mental health services at Sunnybrook, including the Family Navigation Project

We, our 2.5 year old son Maximus and my husband Duane, and myself walked as a team. Having had mental illness touch my own family, we have not only sponsored others but felt it important to take up the fun challenge to walk,

Check out our race pictures!!!



My Donors

Stan Benda Ph.D. 

Sneh Nagpal 

Richard Kloschinsky 

Katherine Gibson 

Prasanth Nair 

Janice Fukakusa 


David & Olwen Taylor 

Jae-Ho Yoo 

Stacey Petersen 

Mark Bruder 

Debbie Headecker 

Natasha Ming 

D. Lee 

Larry Beard 

Michael Pyne 

Tony Ming 

Berwick and Merle Lee 

Joel Ouaknine 


Janarthan Nikhil 

Anonymous supporter 

Maritza Tosca 

Gwyneth Humphreys 

Anonymous supporter 

Rude Seer 

Reena & Derek Patterson 

Anonymous supporter 

Anonymous supporter 

Anonymous supporter 

Karen Williston 

Anonymous supporter 

Jorge and Mayra Colon 

Kristin Hope 

Vern and Jeannette Chung 

Brendan Humphries 

Anonymous supporter 

Anonymous supporter 

Popi Bistas 

Anonymous supporter 

Anonymous supporter 


Nick Hrebicek 

Doug Gunton 

Lai Sha Chan 

Sandra Grady 

Bruce Lambert 

Rosanda Prostran 

Stephen Weiss 


For more information about our event, please e-mail us:


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