Give now to a person or impact team

To search for someone, please enter in the first few letters of their first and/or last name.
For more advanced searches, use % as a wildcard character. (eg. First Name: %Susan% would help to find "Ron and Susan Jones".)
Individual's Name (starts with):

You can also narrow your search results further based on the following:
Page Name:

Individual's Name Ministry/Location
Nobody was found. Please modify your search criteria.

To search for an Impact Team, enter in a few letters of the Team's Name. 
For more advanced searches, use % as a wildcard character.  (eg. Searching for %Lakeview% will result in all teams that have "Lakeview" somewhere in the name.)

Or, you can search by the Ministry/Location of one of the Team Members.

Team Name Leader's Name Ministry/Location
No Teams found. Please modify your search criteria.

Affiliation Corporate Team