Heart and Soles
Amount Raised
Fundraising Goal $4,000.00

Our Message

We see the impact of the Y everyday! When a Child is succeeding at swimming, a youth finds their voice because they were part of the Power of Being a Girl or Strength IN Being a Boy, a child learns that they have the right to safety and to live without fear, a child who finds new friends at day camp and finally feels like they belong.  We are privledged to live these stories, to see them unfold and watch the world change right before our eyes.  All of these opportunities are only possible because people like you have donated to the Strong Kids Campaign. We want every child to have an opportunity to change our world but first we have to change thiers, help us do this. 
Event Date
Oct 3, 2012 12:30 PM
Location Name
YMCA-YWCA of Kamloops
%TeamName% is affiliated with %CorporateTeamName%

Our Supporters (0)

If you experience any issues donating please call 1-416-967-9622 (9-5 EDT Monday to Friday) or email

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