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Aidez-nous à offrir à Taylor l’expérience d’une vie au Tournoi des Hôpitaux Shriners pour enfants 2021!

Taylor, 17 ans, est un patient des Hôpitaux Shriners pour enfants — Canada. Ce jeune homme de Convington, Georgia (USA) vivra l’expérience d’une vie en octobre prochain puisqu’il représentera son hôpital canadien lors du tournoi des Hôpitaux Shriners pour enfants, un événement officiel du PGA TOUR à Las Vegas au Nevada.

Taylor a été choisipour être l’un des 22 patients ambassadeurs qui représenteront le réseau des hôpitaux Shriners au tournoi.Taylor agira comme porte-étendard tout au long du week-end et transportera les pointages des golfeurs professionnels. Pour lui, c’est une rare opportunité de voir l’envers du décor d’un événement du PGA TOUR et une excellente occasion d’expliquer comment les Hôpitaux Shriners pour enfants ont contribué à changer sa vie.

À propos de Taylor

Avec plusieurs fractures osseuses dès l’âge de 10 mois, une faible densité osseuse, des douleurs osseuses chroniques et quatre ans sans réponses claires des médecins, la mère de Taylor voulait une solution. Heureusement, elle a découvert un chef de file de la recherche sur l’ostéogenèse imparfaite (OI) : les Hôpitaux Shriners pour enfants - Canada. Elle a donc envoyé tous les dossiers médicaux de Taylor en implorant qu’on l’aide ! Peu de temps après, en 2009, la famille effectuait sa première visite à SHC-Canada. Les médecins ont découvert que Taylor avait des fractures de compression vertébrale sur chacune de ses vertèbres en plus d’une densité osseuse très faible. Le traitement a immédiatement commencé. Pendant ce temps, les médecins ont continué d’étudier l’ADN de Taylor dans l’espoir de trouver la mutation à l’origine de son OI. En juin 2012, ils obtiennent enfin une réponse en découvrant une mutation de la protéine LRP5 ! Depuis, Taylor a subi plusieurs chirurgies pour corriger des « genoux cagneux » et devra encore subir des chirurgies de la colonne vertébrale dans un avenir rapproché. Les passe-temps et intérêts de Taylor incluent : jouer à des jeux vidéo, nager, descendre des rivières en kayak, camper, jouer au golf et faire du bénévolat dans un sanctuaire d'animaux sauvages. Il aspire à étudier l'ingénierie robotique afin de peut-être construire des robots qui seront utiles en chirurgie orthopédique !

DONNEZ DÈS AUJOURD’HUI pour nous aider à offrir à Taylor l’expérience d’une vie au Tournoi des Hôpitaux Shriners pour enfants en octobre prochain à Las Vegas, au Nevada!

Les Hôpitaux Shriners pour enfants offrent des soins de la plus haute qualité aux enfants vivant avec des conditions neuromusculosquelettiques, des brûlures et autres besoins spéciaux.Ces soins sont prodigués dans un environnement empreint de compassion,de collaborationet centré sur la famille. Lors de sa participation au Tournoi, l’histoire de Taylor et sa photo apparaîtront dans le programme du Tournoi. Cette information sera partagée sur le Golf Channel qui diffuse le tournoi. Cette diffusion rejoint plus de 700 millions de foyers dans plus de 240 pays.


Help us give Taylor the experience of a lifetime at the 2021 Shriners Children's Open!

Taylor, 17 years old, a patient at Shriners Hospitals for Children - Canada, from Convington, Georgia (USA), will have the experience of a lifetime in October when he represents his hospital at the Shriners Children's Open (www.shrinershospitalsopen.com), an official PGA TOUR event in Las Vegas this October.

Taylor was chosen as one of 22 patient ambassadors throughout the country to represent the hospital network at the tournament, where he will serve as a standard bearer throughout the weekend, carrying the scores of professional golfers as they compete in the tournament. It is a rare “inside the ropes” opportunity at a PGA TOUR event, as well as the chance to share how Shriners Hospitals have helped transform his life.

About Taylor

After multiple broken bones starting at 10 months old, low bone density, chronic bone pain, and 4 years without answers from his doctors, Taylor’s mom had to search for a solution. That is when she discovered that Shriners Hospitals for Children – Canada was the leader in research on Osteogenesis Imperfecta (OI) and proceeded to send all of Taylor’s medical records and plead for help!  Soon after, they arrived at SHC-Canada in 2009 for their first visit. They then found out that he had spinal compression fractures on every vertebrae, and that his bone density was very low. He started treatment while the doctors continued to study his DNA to look for the mutation causing his OI. In June of 2012, they found Taylor’s Osteogenesis Imperfecta mutation on LRP5!  He has since had multiple knee surgeries to correct “Knock- Knees”, and still may have some spinal surgeries in the near future. 

Taylor’s hobbies and interests include: playing video games, attending Sci-Fi conventions with his older sister, swimming, river tubing and kayaking, camping, golf, archery, soccer and baseball. He is also the captain of his school’s championship robotics team! He aspires to attend college to learn Robotic Engineering so he can build robots to assist in orthopaedic surgery!

DONATE TODAY to help us give Taylor the experience of a lifetime at the Shriners Children's Open this October in Las Vegas, Nevada!

Shriners Hospitals for Children has a mission to provide the highest quality care to children with neuromusculoskeletal conditions, burn injuries and other special healthcare needs within a compassionate, family-centered and collaborative care environment. As part of his participation in the tournament, Taylor’s story and photo will appear in the tournament program, and his information will be shared with the Golf Channel, which will televise the tournament, to be used during the broadcast. The broadcast reaches over 700 million homes across 240 countries worldwide.

“The purpose of the Shriners Children's Open is to not only bring PGA TOUR golf to Las Vegas, but more importantly, to bring awareness to the great work of Shriners Hospitals for Children and the work those hospitals do to help transform the lives of children with orthopaedic conditions, burns, cleft lip and palate and spinal cord injuries,” said Adam Sperling, executive director of the Shiners Children's Open. “We thought that bringing more of the hospital’s patients to the tournament and giving them an opportunity to experience some of the best golfers in the world would be a great way to increase the involvement of the hospitals and the patients in this event.”

Learn more about how Shriners Hospitals for Children is changing lives every day at www.shrinerschildrens.org

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Mes Supporters (8)

Oma & Opa Laisser un message
10 octobre 2021 16:04
Taylor, we hope you are enjoying every moment of this once in a lifetime event! We have been glued to the Golf Channel in case they are showing more detailed interviews of all the patient ambassadors! We will never be able to thank the Shriners enough for improving your life the way they have! Love!
Rameses Shriners Laisser un message
26 août 2021 14:10
Richard Thomas, Westerville, Ohio Laisser un message
15 juillet 2021 21:05
David you are a courageous young man who offers so much to our societies. Have a time of your life at the event and we know you will accomplice your goals. Thanks also to our Canadian brothers for the fine Children's Hospital.
Gordon Brewer Calgary Alberta Canada Laisser un message
15 juillet 2021 11:45
Wishing you the very best Taylor at the Las Vegas event enjoy your time there. I have volunteered for 10 years at the tournament and have seen many young adult patient walk the course and they are very happy and proud. I have seen them interviewed by the Golf channel and the Pros really appreciate taking to you for sure. To all who have been chosen enjoy the experience and cherish the time in Las Vegas at the Summerlin golf course
David - New Brunswick - Canada Laisser un message
14 juillet 2021 12:27
Your very Brave Taylor, and this is what you need to help you achieve your goals. Wishing you all the Best in Your Life.
Floyd James Laisser un message
14 juillet 2021 11:21
Enjoy this new experience Taylor and best wishes as you pursue your dream of reaching your goal in robotic engineering.
David Laisser un message
08 juillet 2020 19:25
Wishing you well, stay safe.
Emily and Brian Korson Laisser un message
03 juillet 2020 14:33
You are a brave young man, Taylor... have fun being the standard bearer... your dream of robotic engineering sounds wonderful and we hope you achieve that.