JUNE 7th UPDATE What a week! Remi & I have spent this week pumping up Move to Give during Spirit Week style themed classes! We started with Hawaiian Beach Party Aquafit on Monday, then Tight & Bright Step class tuesday, 80s Theme'd Cardio strength on Wednesday and then Bathrobes & shower caps at Aqauafit on Thursday.... Friday was some much needed yoga. And when I say 'We' I mean it, as I brought Remi to classes in the carrier as a special treat for everyone. She was hilarious! We have updated our goal to $17,000 and have less than 12 hours before tomorrows event to hit it! Thanks for all the support and donations everyone!
LATE MAY UPDATE We are just a couple weeks away now and are so excited about this huge impact! Having surprassed our $15,000 goal, these funds will be able to support over 150 children swim lessons, or 400 youth leadership opprotunities or countless of seniors, adults, families who need the support that can be provided by the YMCA. Thank you so much to everyone for your support!
MID MAY UPATE: With your help, we did it! We cannot believe the incredible support and generous donations towards our $10,000 goal. Now to pull the bus! We are just 3 weeks away from the event date, and assure you that Remi & I are taking the School Bus Pull task seriously. I've refocused my own physical training with full body workouts in the weight room 3 days a week that include a 15 minute interval walk/run on the treadmill. I'm still doing Step class on Tuesday Mornings and then a regenerating yoga class on Friday. Remi will be in the Stay&Play doing her own training which includes crawling, sitting up, AND PULL HERSELF TO STAND (you go girl!). She still has swimming lessons one day a week, and then I am committed to taking her open swim at least 3 other times a week. We are still accepting donations towards our new goal of $15,000 but do understand if you choose to sponsor another member of our community who may not have as many supporters.
EARLY MAY UPDATE: Wow! We cannot thank everyone enough for their kind words and generous donations! Remi and I decided that we are up for the challenge to continue to inspire others to donate. We have updated our personal Fundrasing goal to $10,000! That is equivalent to 100 children learning to swim, over 300 youth leaership opprotunities, or hundreds of families, seniors, and adults living a healthy lifestyle. We are confident, with your help, we can achieve it to this new goal!
On June 8th, Remi & I are going to be participating in Move to Give's SCHOOL BUS PULL, the Y's 10th annual fundraising event!
Why I, Melissa, Choose to MOVE and Fundraise:
I am committed to giving back to my community because of the huge positive impact the Wasaga Beach YMCA has on Remi and I. Our involvement started out as a registration for once-a-week baby swim lessons in January, quickly became our go-to weekday morning routine. Remi starts in the Stay and Play, with amazing staff, perfect baby ready play room, and instant friends. In the first few months, I join would join a stress-relieving yoga class, upbeat Step Class, a more challenging Cardio&Strength class, and sometimes even Aquafit classes. The idea of structure, guidance and community within the classes was much needed in the chaotic and often isolating feelings of new motherhood. Now I'm working on a specific designed workout program including strength and conditioning training.
Then the best part, Remi and I get changed and jump in the pool together! We splash around in the warm leisure pool, singing songs, dunking our heads, jumping off the side and playing with the provided boats and ducks. We've also met many other babies and families here too! We always try and get a few laps in the big pool together to get used to the cold water in preperation for summer!
It was a no brainer when we learned about the Move to Give program and quickly joined the aquatic team 'Swim Reapers' to make a bigger ... Splash.
The Impact of Your Support:
Our shared mission is to rally together and raise an ambitious $100,000 vital to supporting the heart of the YMCA’s mission—allowing access to all the Y’s transformative programs and services that directly impact our community. This annual event is crucial in breaking down financial barriers and ensuring that local families and individuals of all ages can access our life-changing programs. Did you know that 1 in 10 families in our region relies on crucial financial support to make memberships and programs accessible? I am excited to be part of Move to Give! Your support is the key, and together, we can continue supporting those in our community and create positive local change.