Quentin Suskin, YOGA
Trained primarily in Hatha Yoga with a focus on alignment at the Vancouver School of Yoga, my repertoire includes Yin, Power and Flow yoga styles.
I enjoy melding different styles together, choosing the best from each, resulting in a fusion flavoured style of Yoga. I believe that chaos is best for the muscles, therefore my sequences and style can be quite dynamic.
Originally from a very small town in rural New Zealand, my yoga journey started from injuries incurred while in my twenties and thirties. The injuries included the left Illiopsoas Major, the right Rhomboid major and minor, and the right Levator Scapulae. Since then, I have injured the Intercostal muscle on both sides and the right Illiopsoas Major.
These injuries resulted in severe mis-alignments of my spine, causing chronic pain and discomfort. I credit the re-alignment of my spine to the various chiropractors I have seen over the years. The healing of mind and muscles? I credit to the process of Yoga.
The process of Yoga, and especially the numerous yoga teachers who have helped me understand my body better, has significantly helped repair the imbalances. Because yoga has so effectively helped me heal my physical and spiritual injuries, I decided to quit my job as an IT consultant and become a yoga teacher. I want to enable others to help themselves, by opening the door into the world of Yoga.
If you would like to know more, please visit TwoDragonsYoga.com.