Rules and Regulations
FIFA rules apply if not modified within. The following rules have been designed to ensure fair play for all participants. Each player is expected to understand these rules prior to participating. Any questions concerning these rules should be directed to MGH Event Staff.
Note: Tournament design, rules and regulations subject to change.
Tournament and Play-Off Game Format:
Number of players:
All games will be played 7-on-7. If your team has 10 players you will be able to substitute as required. Each team is required to have at least two female and two male team members on the field at all times.
Game Duration:
The game shall consist of two (2) 10-minute halves separated by a 5 minute intermission. A coin toss will determine possession and direction before the start of the game. There will be no overtime period and games can end in a tie. If games end in a tie, goal differentials between teams will be used to help determine overall tournament standings. There are no timeouts and the Game Clock does not stop in 7 v 7 games.
Substitutions may be made during dead-ball situations, regardless of possession. Teams must gain the referee’s attention and players must enter and exit at mid-field when prompted by the referee. Substitutions should not be made on the fly!
All players must wear shin guards, or will not be allowed to play. Cleats are required for the Competitive Division only. Team jerseys will be provided on registration.
Kick Offs / Kick Ins / Direct and Indirect Kicks / Goal Kicks / Penalty Kicks:
KICK OFF: May be kicked in any direction. You cannot score directly from a kick off (ball must be 100% over the mid-line to be considered on the offensive half of the field). The kick off is an indirect kick. KICK-INS: The ball shall be kicked into play from the sideline, rather than thrown in. The ball is considered in play when the ball is touched and changes position. This is an indirect kick, and a goal cannot be scored from this kick.
DIRECT & INDIRECT KICKS: All dead-ball kicks (kick-ins, kick-offs, free kicks) are indirect with the exception of corner kicks and penalty kicks. Indirect kicks must only change position before the ball will be considered in play. If a free kick is awarded within five yards of the opposing goal box, the ball will be moved back to five yards from the box. It is the referee’s discretion where the ball will be placed.
GOAL KICKS: May be taken from any point of the end line. All Goal Kicks are indirect kicks.
PENALTY KICKS: Shall be awarded if, in the referee’s opinion, a scoring opportunity was nullified by an infraction (the infraction does not automatically result in a red card). Penalty kicks are DIRECT kicks taken from the center of the mid-line with all players (on both teams) behind the mid-line. Penalty kicks are dead ball infractions. If a goal is not scored, the defense obtains possession with a goal kick.
Five Meter Rule:
In all dead-ball situations, defending players must stand at least five meters away from the ball. If the defensive player’s goal is closer than five meters, the ball shall be played five meters from the goal box in line with the direction of play prior to the penalty.
Goal Scoring:
A goal may only be scored from a touch (offensive or defensive) within the team’s offensive half on the field. The ball must be completely on the offensive half of the field, and cannot be touching the mid-line (Example: kick-off). If a player in their defensive half kicks the ball across the midline and the ball hits another player (offensive or defensive) in their offensive half, and the ball goes in the goal, a goal will be awarded. If a ball is kicked from the defensive half and is not touched before the ball rests in the goal, a goal kick is awarded to the defensive team. A goal cannot be scored from an indirect kick, such as a kick-in from out-of-bounds. See below for “Plane of the Goal / Net Interference.”
Slide Tackling / Hand Ball Clarification:
If a player is sliding for the ball, contact with any player(s) from the other team is NOT ALLOWED. If a player slides and contact is initiated, a free kick shall be awarded. This does not prevent players from sliding to stop/intercept a ball where contact is not initiated during the slide. Example: a player may slide to save a ball from going out-of-bounds, so long as no contact is made with an opposing player. Hand Ball Clarification: Deliberate handling of the ball that denies a team of an obvious goal-scoring opportunity will result in the following: (1) A penalty kick (at the discretion of the referee) (2) A yellow or red card given to the player committing the hand ball (at the discretion of the referee).
The Goal Box:
The goal box extends four feet directly in front of the goal. There is no ball contact allowed within the goal box, however, all players may pass through the goal box as long as they do not touch the ball while in the box. If the ball comes to a rest in the goal box, a goal kick is awarded regardless of who touched the ball last. If a defensive player touches the ball after it has entered the goal box, a goal will be awarded to the offensive team. If an offensive player touches the ball after it has entered the goal box, a goal kick will be awarded to the defensive team, and a goal will not be counted if scored. The referee’s judgment call and ruling on the field will not be overturned.
Plane of the Goal / Net Interference:
A goal will be awarded if the ball strikes the netting portion of the goal, even if the ball is then returned back into the field of play without completely crossing the goal line. If the ball strikes the cross bar or goal posts, and simultaneously strikes the netting portion of the goal, the referee’s judgment will determine whether the netting prohibited the ball from crossing the goal line (which should be awarded a goal); or whether the bar or post prohibited the ball from crossing the goal line (which should NOT be awarded a goal). The referee’s judgment call and ruling on the field will not be overturned. In simple terms, the net should not be the source that will prohibit a shot from scoring as a goal.
Delay of Game:
The referee has the official time on the field and holds the right to take necessary action if he/she feels that a team is delaying the game. Any player may be cautioned with a yellow card if it is deemed by the referee that the player is intentionally wasting time, such as if a player intentionally kicks the ball long distances away from the playing field in order to waste time. Additionally, referees are permitted to allocate a ‘goal-per-minute’ penalty against each team that is late to their game. Each minute that a team is late to their starting time, goal(s) will be awarded to team that is on time.
Code of Conduct & Ethics:
The ‘Kick the Stigma’ Michael Garron Hospital Cup supports equal opportunity, prohibits discriminatory practices, and is committed to providing a family friendly environment in which all individuals are treated with respect. As per the Canadian Soccer Code of Conduct and Ethics guidelines, all parties participating in the ‘Kick the Stigma’ Michael Garron Hospital Cup must refrain from any behaviour that constitutes as harassment, where harassment is defined according to the Canadian Human Rights Commission as a form of discrimination that involves any unwanted physical or verbal behaviour that offends or humiliates.
Athletes must participate and appear on time, well-nourished, and prepared to participate to the best of their abilities. Athletes must never ridicule a participant for a poor performance and not engage in violent behaviour, foul language, or offensive gestures. Referees hold the right to remove players from games for not adhering to rules and regulations and for being unsportsmanlike. Under their own discretion, Referees also hold the right to remove and disqualify players from the Michael Garron Cup for any of the following reasons:
- Intoxication and inappropriate behaviour
- Discrimination, written or verbal threats, or outbursts
- Unwelcome remarks, jokes, comments, innuendo, taunts
- Verbal or written bullying
- The display of visual material which is offensive or which a reasonable person knows to be offensive
- Unsportsmanlike and violent behaviour
Each team must reach a fundraising minimum of $3,000 in addition to the $50 per player registration fee by Friday, September 1, 2018. Any teams that have not reached this amount by this date will be contacted by the Kick the Stigma organizing committee.